Friday, March 10, 2017

Cannoli's - Meh

March 4, 2017

Either I don't like sheep milk or cannoli are made with raw sheep milk which I don't like (although I like raw cow milk) - either way, I don't prefer cannoli. I cannot tell you how disappointing this is. Just look at how beautiful they are! But alas, when I bring it to my mouth to take a bite, I smell the animal, the field, the warm, raw milk.

In fact, they're so delicious looking that I think I'll keep trying...

Gelato, Gelato, Gelato!

February 13, 2017

Just go to Italy for the gelato. Seriously. Yum! Our second night here for a Family Home Evening treat, we took the bus down to Fatamorgana's and fell in love.

Crossing the street in Rome is always interesting. With children, one must stay watchful.

On the bus. "Is anyone even at the wheel?"

 Ordering. I only requested that the children say "perfavore" and "gracie", but Boo was brave and repeated quite a few words.

It's cold enough for coats but it's always warm enough for gelato! Oh, cioccolato fondente con panna, how I love thee!

"Mom, how do I say 'Thank you' in Italian?"

February 19, 2017

Last night as I lay sick in bed, P crawls in next to me. "Mom, how do I say 'thank you' in Italian? When they sing 'Hello, hello' in primary, I want to be able to tell them thank you." So sweet! We'd been practicing a bit throughout the week, but I guess he was a bit nervous about church and using the right words. He and I worked on saying "grazie" a few times (man, I am jealous of the way that boy can roll his r's!) and off to bed he went. Well, okay, not for too long. He was back with us around 1:00 am - I swear he and his younger sister alternate using an invisible 1:00 am alarm clock!

This morning P was up and at 'em though and excited for church. I reviewed "grazie", "buongiorno" and "ciao" with the three littles as they got ready. Then, A and I (he's sick too ðŸ˜¢) saw them off. Two bus rides and a short walk later they arrived to warm greetings. Boo seemed really pleased that she got to wear earphones during the meeting.

Here he is with his enviable "r's", although this video doesn't totally capture it as he wanted to be outside.

How Mom Preps for a Long Trip

February 11, 2017

1. Have husband get really excited and commandeer space in the main living space, setting up two tables and drilling an enormous white board onto the wall.

2. Spend a few evenings transferring lists from scattered papers and phones onto the white board and section off a portion of the white board space for each child to write/draw what sites they want to visit.

3. Make a packing list for everyone using the PackingPro app.

4. Label a basket for each person and arrange them on the tables with their corresponding suitcases.

5. Wash all the laundry in the house, leaving it all out on the couch for the next few weeks, and copiously count socks and underwear to find what's lacking.

6. Order a ridiculous amount of supplies from Amazon, etc.

7. Drop necessary items into the appropriate baskets as they are delivered, washed, or found.

8. Two and three days prior to departure pack children's clothing.

9. Package all the Amazon returns and give to husband to send.

10. Continue working all through the night prior to the flight, finally packing my own suitcase, redistributing the shared items throughout all other suitcases (otherwise known as "Who gets Mom's shoes in their suitcase?"), weighing luggage, and making a failed attempt to leave the house tidy.

Exhausted, but at the airport with all the luggage weighing the appropriate amounts!

There's Never a Perfect Time

February 27, 2017

For the past three weeks I've been trying unsuccessfully to find the perfect time to sit down and work more on this blog. As I had the children go have some quiet time in different areas, I came to the realization (yes, yet again) that there never is a perfect time. Or place. Or emotional state. This even applied to making the trip to Italy. Many things popped up to hinder our making the time - including a few major surgeries. But, here I am and here we are - in ITALY! For real! Crazy and surreal and also so...normal as I sit here on the couch. Okay, minus the odd-sounding ambulance and police sirens, and looking out the windows at these BEAUTIFUL trees! Just look at them! I feel so happy looking at them.

...AND a week later (March 6th) - here I am again! I was interrupted (ahem, by the children in "quite time") so many times I gave up. This is getting quite ridiculous but hopefully I'm making everyone feel better about their own aspirations that are falling a bit short! So, the moment is lost but here are the trees which took yet another few days to create the time to attach.